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Another trench art P-38 on shell base WW2

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (977 items)

    I cannot pass these up! Recent acquisition-- wish it was another type of plane...

    Must have been a popular souvenir for veterans. Seen in larger quantities than any other airplane miniature.

    Mounted on a 1942 dated 3 inch shell base.

    My photos don't copy without permission.

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      Thanks fort, racer, 33 and tools.

    2. RichmondLori RichmondLori, 5 years ago
      This is too cool. I especially like the use of the shell base, great history. !!
    3. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      Thanks Lori-- if you have interest, take a look at my other postings on trench art. I have some other interesting planes and miniatures posted here.

    4. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      Thanks lata, kiva and gate!

    5. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      Thanks kwqd and reeling.

    6. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      Thanks rooster and finders.

    7. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      Thanks much old.


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