Posted 5 years ago
(3 items)
I bought this dresser which has a hanging mirror and a nightstand with it. It's 6 feet wide and the center doors open outward to reveal 3 drawers that pull out. I'm guessing it's from (maybe) the late 60s/70s but there's no maker name and I haven't been able to find this dresser online.
Has anyone seen/owned this or know anything about it? It has some damage and I want to paint it black.
I have a dresser that's designed the same way but yours is much nicer wood. Painting it black, I personally wouldn't do that. Have you ever had black furniture? Or even a black car??? If you are the kind of person that likes to dust, or see dust all the time, then by all means, go for it. The damage you say it has, barely shows to me but there is a number of things out there that would fix the proble, even wood colored marking pens that work very well! But I have a feeling you will think about this convo in the future when you look at your beautiful dresser that's black and you'll wonder, why didn't I listen to her??? LOL!!!
Forgot to say, did you look inside any of the drawers for a name, inside and out and under???
I HATE dusting (well domestic chores in general) but I added some close-up pics of the damage - if there was no damage at all I'd leave them as is, but the fact that they aren't perfect drives me nuts.
My decor seems to lean in a vintage Gothic glam direction - so black will meet that style, as well as remind me to clean more frequently. ????