Posted 5 years ago
(5 items)
Grabbed this from a pile of scrap in a junk yard. It was all rusted. Took it apart, cleaned, and now it appears to work. Is this a band saw blade sharpener? As you crank, the file goes back in the down position and inwards in the up position. A cam pushes a small foot forward every so slightly on every revolution.
What do you think?
Link to you tube:
Hello, That is a great rescue tool!! Hard to tell what you have without it in front of me, sounds like the right mechanics.. If you Google "The Saw Set Collector's Resource", they have a list of bandsaw sharpeners, and bandsaw sharpener patents. Any markings on the casting?? Good luck, Lou
Thanks for getting back so quick. I love these sorts of finds. So many odds and ends of machinery out there. No markings that I can see. I assume it's missing some wheels to hold and spin the blade while sharpening. There are some broken pieces hanging off the edge. I'll look up the saw collectors. Thanks again.
Great description, I understood your details, which for someone that doesn't work with tools, that is good. thank you. great find.
I don't know what it is either, but would *most certainly* have rescued it from a junkpile too -- and how AWESOME that you got it cleaned up and working again!!
THREE CHEERS for the YouTube clip also!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Hello, There aren't very many patents for bandsaw sharpeners. There are quite a few patents for bandsaw (blade/teeth) "setting" machines . Are you sure it is a file that is moving? I have a Disston here, that only "sets" the teeth.
When I took it out of the dump, there was a piece of file stuck in the tube/holder that sticks out the front. I put in my own file and it filed a piece of metal I held on the small table( about 1/2 wide ). I'll try to get a better pic.
New "BEFORE" pic has been added.
lptools, I see what you mean. They work very much the same. Except... not only does my machine move the tool back and forth, but it moves it up and down. I assume it's lifting the tool, or file. It also has quite a long throw, dragging the file across.
Wow! That before photo makes me appreciate even more, what you found, and how you brought it back to life!!!