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Kralik Blue Flame/Opal - Artistry at the Furnace

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (649 items)

    In the 1920s and 1930s, Bohemian factories produced a variety of pieces decorated at the furnace in a dazzling array of colors and techniques - spatterware, tango, and pieces like this one, where a base color is overlaid with a contrasting color at the base which is extended to the top. The base glass in this piece is a white opal that appears and photographs pink in flourescent light, but when held up to direct sunlight, appears more white. This deco shape appears in Collectible Bohemian Glass, Vol II 1915-1945, by Robert and Deborah Truitt, page 53, plate 8, in a combination of vaseline base glass and red flame overlay.

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