Posted 5 years ago
(1 item)
Hello dear Collectors and Experts!
I am new to your wonderful site, and already I need help! I just bought this lovely pink satin glass vase and would like to ask if anyone may know whether it is a piece by Josef Riedel or perhaps a Harrach.. or something else? You can see on the bottom a mark that could be the number 1 or a letter L (lower case). The blue one is available for sale on rl and it was identified as a Riedel vase. As you can see it shows a scribble that could be a part of a number and then the mark A/558. I appreciate any help you can give me! Thank you!! (The pics were made by the person who sold me the vase)
Hi!..your lovely blue vase is by Riedel I think the pink one may be too!..but not a hundred percent sure, hopefully someone will come along and help..:-)
Thank you, Inky! I wish the blue vase were mine.. unfortunately it is not, it is being sold on rl. The pink one is mine and I think there was another mark under the "l." that was in gold and faded with time.. I do hope it is by Riedel!!
Thank you, GlassGirl! I think I have just found the proof that my pink vase is a Riedel!! There is a post from another member: "bohemianglassandmore" where he shows a "Josef Riedel, Polaun - "Basaltglas" Vase, ca. 1888". It is the same flower as in my vase (or her little sister)!!! and the marking on the bottom is in gold... it has to be a Riedel :-D
Here is the link to the comment of "bohemianglassandmore" about his Riedel vase: