Posted 5 years ago
(221 items)
My Cotinus coggygria is blooming at the moment. This bush with the strange, smoke-looking flowers comes from China. So does the Ginkgo biloba to the left of it. Buddhist monks chew its leaves during the long religious ceremonies. Why ? Because they then don't need to go to the little boys room before the ceremonies are over. The climber is Humulus lupulus. Important in brewing beer. I don't brew, but drink it occasionally.
Gorgeous! I’ve only seen those in magazines....always wanted one. So unusual!
I acquired a smoke bush when I moved to my new house in the Mountains. I'd never seen one before, as they don't grow in the warmer climate I used to live in. However mine is not so wonderfully shrubby & dense as your fine specimen. Instead, it's a tall skinny standard plant with just one stem.
Thanks both for the kind words. Be patient IronLace. Your C. c. will be as good as mine. I cut mine on the sides every year in connection with the hedge trimming. It then exhales a distinct scent. Probably its warning and defense against animals wanting to eat it.