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Dolls534 of 5005Teddy Bear Vintage Doll house.
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (431 items)

    Don't know much about her. Looks like there was a repair on her leg. Been trying to get her for a few weeks now. We struck a deal today.

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    1. Manikin Manikin, 5 years ago
      Is anything marked on back of head on neck ? I hope you did not pay much as it has several problems and they really affect value . Does she have original clothes ? Something is telling me this maybe a marriage of 2 dolls . You have what looks
      like a hard plastic head and a composition body ,This is the result of the metal behind the eyes rusting and this causes the crazed effect ,appears she does not have original cloth torso , she/he is missing face paint and appears someone did try to add the few missing lower lashes with paint and I don't see the real lashes on upper eyelid ..Next time send me a email before you buy a doll :-) xo Does have a cute face however :-)
    2. Cokeman1959, 5 years ago
      Thanks Manikin for the information. I could not find any markings on her anywhere. The clothes are not original and my wife is washing them. I have been after her for several weeks and I got her for 10.00 today. They wanted 30.00 and they would not budge. She needed a home and now she has one. Silly I know but I sure do like her:)
    3. Manikin Manikin, 5 years ago
      $10 is ok :-) And if you love her that is what matters ! I was hoping you were not buying for resale . $ 30 would have been way to much so you did ok . I love to see these toys of the past rescued and find new caretakers .
    4. Cokeman1959, 5 years ago
      Thanks Manikin! I appreciate you! I have some small wooden chairs and we are going to put her in one of those for displaying.
    5. Kjane79 Kjane79, 5 years ago
      I think she's fabulous. I'm a sucker for old dolls, as well. I frequently use the "I can always just resell her" excuse to talk myself into buying them- but then I can't bring myself to part with them. My 10 year old daughter loves them all too, but I think her reasons are more logical. She loves them because she thinks the odds are pretty high one of them will turn out to be haunted, and if she's kind and respectful she won't be the target of it's wrath. I should maybe be concerned over her self inflicted Stockholm Syndrom...
    6. Cokeman1959, 5 years ago
      Thanks everyone for the looks,loves and comments! I appreciate yall!
      Kjane79....I see alot of dolls when I am junking but some just speak to you:)

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