Posted 5 years ago
(902 items)
This picture came out of my grandmothers house. My mom said she remembered it hanging in her grandmothers house for years, but we don’t know who the people are. The picture is around 8x10 size and although it is not in the best condition, it is still very interesting from the somber faces to the the period clothing. Thanks for looking
Very Victorian I'll say, Old pictures are really great to find and look at
Busy studio! I like the left edge where an additional backdrop is visible.
Great vintage family photo, the baby looks dressed for a christening
Lauren, yes, it is interesting to see the styles and such back then. Glad you like
Scott, good eye! Thanks for looking
Jenni, yes, maybe so. Thanks for stopping by.
what a nice family picture
Kivatinitz, thank you!
Woooh! Noticed these huge Mutton's leg sleeves?
What a striking family heirloom pic!
Kyra, appreciate your comment :)
Hi there,
Hope you are doing OK, haven't seen you here in awhile and nice people like yourself are greatly missed here. It is a tough time in the world right now, and CW is a nice respite from these troubles, so hoping all is well & you'll be back again soon - luv Jenni
Those sleeves should be able to keep most men away and the front lady's jaw should scare the few remaining men away.
Mrstyndall it is a fantastic photo. It is interesting to see clothes from that time. And how people were to look all serious. I always look for jewelry to see how they wore them and when. I see the women with the small child, looks like if she has a photolocket brooch and that it is open. I have seen that before, maybe it was a way of getting loved ones in the photo even if they were away or if they had passed away? Very interesting.
I would love puffsleves like that if they for sure would keep some men away :) and you could hide things in them :)
Elisabethan, thanks for pointing out the open photo locket...I had not recognized it for what it is. A touching tribute to the loved one whose picture is near her heart.
You are welcome :)