Posted 5 years ago
(1207 items)
This vase is about 8" high x 8" in diameter and weighs about 4.2 lbs. It was purchased directly from Japan by the seller along with several other vases, some labeled and some not. It is thought to be by Iwata Glass based on feedback from my contact in Japan, but has no label. Iwatsu and Hokuyo have also been propsed as potential makers. I guess I will just have to bide my time and wait for something similar with a label to surface. Just a bit of wear to the bottom, but otherwise mint.
Thanks six-0-one! It is pretty well done, I think..
Thanks for taking a look at my maybe Iwatsu vase Kevin, Roycroftbooksfromme1, artfoot, valentino97, Blammoammo, Jenni, Ivonne, fortapache, Vynil33rpm, six-0-one,
Thomas, Elaine, Watchsearcher and sklo42!
Thank you Wow22 and freiheit!
Excellent color combo and structure. Looks tough... Nice piece!
Thanks for your comment Hoot60! It is thick glass..
Thanks for taking a look at my vase Hoot60 and blunderbuss2!
WoW! This is a nice and unusual one, heave no idea who, maybe Karen can help. Thanks for posting Kevin.
Thanks Lisa! It is pretty unusual, at least I have not seen its like before...
Thanks aura and Ben!
Updated images. So hard to pick images as even a slight rotation of this vase dramatically changes the colors.
Thanks for taking a look at my vase Eileen!
Kevin my thought is this is Hokuyo, I don't think it's Iwata.
Whatever, the colours on black are wonderful, and the ribs and finish show just how well this Japanese glass is made.
Thanks Karen. I am confused on this one. My dealer friend in Japan thinks it is Iwata. I need to add a new image to show the lines of this vase better. My images make it look squat, when it is not..... Keeping my eye out for something similar with a label!
Thanks for taking a look at my Japanese art glass vase Theonlyone!
Thank you vcal!
Thank you, Jenni!
Thanks, BHIFOS and Deano!