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Meissen and Dresden porcelain cherub figurines

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1499 items)

    This Meissen & Dresden cherub collection was a very special gift from a close friend who is downsizing & moved out of state. Her most treasured Meissen figure was the oldest, the child in green robe on a plinth eating from a bowl, this was the Johan Kaendler (aka Kandler) design for the Winter season, mark dating it 1890s
    Photo #1. Meissen cherubs, tallest Cupid shooting arrow. Elements Fire & Earth, Seasons Winter (2 different) & Spring. Cupid sharpening arrow on wheel. Motto Child je les enflamme (I use fire). Most designs by Kaendler or Michel Acier that originated in the late 18th century. Marks date these cherubs early to mid 20th century
    Photo #2. Dresden Carl Thieme cherubs. Thieme extensively copied the Meissen cherub varieties. Here the tallest at 8"H is the season Summer, smaller Autumn & Winter, and two Motto Children je les couronne (I crown) and je les balance (I balance). Also mostly date from early to mid 1900s
    Photo #3. The cherub collection - other Dresden artists include Sitzendorf, Volkstedt, Rittirsch, Wessel-Frankenthal & Goebel
    Photo #4. Marks of the Meissen & Thieme cherubs seen in photos #1 and #2

    *References include books Meissen Figures A-Z by Bergmann & H. Lloyd Hawkins Jr Meissen Collection (New Orleans Museum of Art), and websites and PorcelainMarks&

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    1. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 5 years ago
      Wow, a bit jealous, what a nice gift! Awesome collection!
    2. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 5 years ago
      Can't help it, but the 1st pic reminds me of a fresh squad of draftees in Nam.
    3. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 5 years ago
      nice collection ... '-))
    4. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thank you (or should I say Danke!) for the very kind love

      Thanks so much six-0-one for your kind compliments & seeing the beauty in these old figurines. Yes it was a wonderful gift, I've admired these at my friend's house for yrs, & was very honored that she chose to give them to me, a lovely gesture

      Thanks MrsT for the great compliments, I too am quite awed by these fragile antiques, such charming faces & poses, and to think of all the owners who must have loved and cherished them. I will do my best to be a good guardian & perhaps one day find a museum to donate them to, but for now I love having them around

      BB2 thanks for my smile for the day, it is actually quite apropos to see baby faced GIs in that picture, and how about the bows & arrows, and the children toiling away at chores! Very cool metaphor & hope those young guys grew up fast & made it back safely

      Roycroft I'm so glad you liked this collection & many thanks for the super compliment. A word of thanks to my friends J & D (don't know if they want their names online) for this amazing gift, I hope your new place in the Poconos is all that you wanted it to be, enjoy that clean mountain air & de-stress OK
    5. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thanks aura & Gonavy for the love, it is most gratefully appreciated & glad you liked these figurines
    6. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Many thanks Vynil for the love and enjoying this cherub display, appreciate your thoughtfulness
    7. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thanks so much for the kind love Leah, very pleased you enjoyed this cherub collection
    8. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      I never used to be a figurine lover always used to think them fussy and twee.
      However I have a dear elderly friend with a collection of Meissen and looking at and handling her pieces has changed me.
      This is a beautiful collection Jenni. When they are looked at individually the detail, design and painting cannot be anything but admired. I am sure your friend is happy they are now in safe and appreciative hands.
      Cherubs for our own CW angel.
    9. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      What a lovely and kind compliment Karen my friend, I'd rather be on the side of the angels anytime though doubtless hubby would disagree :) Yes these cherubs are definitely old timey but as you said, the artistry of the Meissen modelers was incomparable and each has its own beauty. My friend does trust I'll take good care of them as a fellow collector, but believe me I hardly handle them & prefer keeping them safe in their little cherub house
    10. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thank you so very much Hoot for the kind love and support, it is warmly appreciated & I am glad you liked this cherub display
    11. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      I showed my dear friend Charlotte your cherubs and she was delighted. She thought them a really good selection and let me say that is high praise. Charlotte is German, almost 90, and has what I think must be a world class Meissen collection, some pieces are so early, 1780 or so. Really. She has an amazing collection of many many things but Meissen is her favourite.
    12. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Karen that is so wonderful about your friend and her Meissen collection, I always think it amazing that these beautiful porcelain pieces survived two world wars esp the awful destruction of the porcelain factories in the 40s. Please thank her for the kind praise I'm very flattered, she must have a gorgeous collection. My friend said her most treasured pieces came from Germany & England where she found the most like minded Meissen fans & collectors, and where she found her best preserved cherubs (only half of the Meissen cherubs are perfect without damage, although the remainder just have slight accessory items broken off, which I understand is pretty common)
    13. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Kind thanks MarmorealMaiden for the love of these porcelain cherubs, it is very kind of you & gratefully appreciated
    14. Newfld Newfld, 1 year ago
      Thanks vcal & Leelani for the love for these precious porcelain cherubs, I still have them and find them so fascinating
    15. Newfld Newfld, 1 month ago
      Thank you JJansen for the love for this cherub collection, it's always most gratefully appreciated

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