Posted 5 years ago
(131 items)
I think this bowl is produced by Ernst Steinwald & Co. Teplitz-Schönau around 1930. The same bowl with the indication of this manufacturer is in the Glasmuseum Passau - see the last photo. This decor also appears in the shape shown on the advertisement of the ES&C glassworks - see:
The bowl is marked Czechoslovakia - one word written directly straight. Unfortunately, I can't take a photo of the signage.
Another great find, Ales.
Dash, darn, drats.
All words that mimic a swear word because if it is signed with a straigh marrh, that is another one I attributed myself to Kralik, the shape you have posted is rare, I have to say, but the decor is not. In fact that is one of the most attractive webbed decors in the lavender purple bands on black.
Ales, I have a question?
The rims of these glass pieces for Steinwald are they smooth and polished or not? The one in green and red on the right of the shelf, is one that I see once in a while, and it is not anything you could mistake for another glass works in shape either.
Only a purple bowl has a smooth and polished rim. The green vase has a rim cut - it looks like it has been shortened. But that's how it was made. But other vases with this decor and shape that I saw have the same rim - and also my same vase - see:
Thank you for the reply and the link, I really like your website glass vase example. Gives me ideas for a few new glass pieces for my collection.