Posted 5 years ago
(171 items)
Anyone know what this is I see it's something to do with the railroad any help would greatly be appreciated what it is what it does if the railroad is still around where the railroad was any help on this would be greatly appreciated
Looks like a signal control switch box for a rural area. Metro area would be huge.
It might also have been used in a subway. It is pretty small
Do they still use these and is the railroad company still around
Every day ... they are run by computers and radio wave, mostly today and so relays run the world ..some ,are always open or closed or on a timer , some run ..light ...switching track control lights .... there used by everyone ...for everything even your car .....smiling
have fun ..smiling
I see your here
As the others are suggesting, it is EXACTLY an older variety of (some kind of) electrical relay that served (some kind of) purpose in order to control railroad signaling lights and devices. The metal labels/tags on it should allow you to learn much more about who made it/its specific former function, maybe even when -- the paper label(s) on its glass base should shed further light on what exact railroad might have owned it and/or when it was last actually used "in service", or "retired".
They're WAY-COOL (not to mention just beautifully constructed in their own right of all that brass and glass and bakelite) things -- especially if one ever gets a chance to watch one actually hooked up to electricity and *working* -- congrats on a nice score and HAVE FUN learning more about it! :-) :-) :-)
AnythingObscure,.. you have to be the biggest moron in the I'm out of here I see why others left and never came back ...dopes like U....
Roycroft, I havta admit I remain baffled at whatever I might have said in my response comment above to dgirardin that apparently offended you. My sincere apologies for whatever that was. All I was attempting to offer was the confirmation that this item is indeed some sort of 'railroad signal relay', maybe with a little bit of extra clue as to how/where dgirardin might start to further research it. I also fully admit that I made no such effort to do so myself, or even to click the links you provided until just now, which while interesting in themselves don't show me anything at a glance to ID what this particular relay is/was -- nor to disprove any of the intentionally non-specific information I tried to offer. Again my sincere apologies to you, and to dgirardin for otherwise cluttering up their showing.
No offense taken here appreciate the comment keep them coming
Hmm I don't see anything so terrible as to require calling someone a moron. We all have a right to comment, a right to our opinion and also the right to disagree. That all makes this site interesting. Putting each other down with name calling etc. isn't required or well accepted. Everyone play good together or no ice cream tonight after supper.
And I thought computers were confusing ! LOL ! Roy, wash yo mouth out with Cutty Sark !