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Bakelite fruitknifes from Solingen Germany

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (284 items)

    I was in need of some small knifes for cheese, fruit and such. Great if you have an outdoors picnic with family or friends. Everyone has their own knife :) Being the bakelite junky that I am I found two sets of bakelite fruit knifes by Solingen Germany at an onlineauction. Unfortunately without their stands but I would not use those anyway so it doesn't matter. I love them. Great conversation topic as well since people notice them straight away. Art deco candy :)

    Greatful for more information on when they were made. Different sellers say 1930's - 1950's on similar knifes? From what I find online Solingen steel, used in making knives, scissors, razors, and surgical instruments, is world famous for its excellence and Solingen has been known for its fine blades since the Middle Age but I can't find any information on what firm made these knifes and when. The yellow set has a more distinct mark and the word "Salto". See photo. Thanks!

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Beautiful knife set, the colorful bakelite holder part has such a wonderful cheerful pattern
    2. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Thankyou Newfld! Yes I also think they look cheerful, happy and fun :)
    3. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      These just make me smile and wish for a picnic, with you, and cutting some fruit.
    4. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 5 years ago
      Very nice
    5. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 5 years ago
      Information on Solingen is out there but difficult to find. Solingen was very heavily bombed out during WWII. Factories leveled and records gone with them. I think you can safely forget 1930's because we had an embargo act in effect. 1950's is a stretch but closer. I would think more 1960's or newer. Factories weren't rebuilt over night. Also keep in mind that being marked Solingen only applies to the steel. The steel could have been exported to any country for use in cutlery. Henckels cutlery is a perfect example. They are out of Germany also and have the oldest known registered trademark in the world. However, in modern times much of their cutlery is actually made in Mexico. Regardless, Solingen steel is among the finest in the world.
    6. lptools, 5 years ago
      Those are so cool!! Thanks for posting!!
    7. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Racer4four Thanks, that would be nice, picnic with CW friends. Thanks for your charming coment.
    8. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Thanks vinyl33rpm for nice coment!
    9. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Fhrjr2 Thanks for interesting information. I don't have knowledge about what emargos was in effect between countrys in Europe before and after the war. I don't live in the US so the "we" probably don't apply here but ofcourse we might have been affected by or bound by other nations embargos on Germany. Anyway if these were made after the war there should be info out there on largest manufacturers on such knifes. Great to know it is good quality steel. Thanks for interesting thoughts and insight.
    10. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Iptools Thanks for nice coment!

      Thanks everyone who has payed attention to this post!
    11. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Thanks dear friend Valentino :)
    12. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Thanks to everyone for loving this post!
    13. truthordare truthordare, 2 years ago
      I have been buying some of these sets in Sweden, who have several of them listed on their ebay version website.

      Very attractive deco bakelite colors, I really like your 2 sets design, they are some of the most desirable on current eBay listings. No idea of date of production either.
    14. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 2 years ago
      Wow thanks! Maybe I should say bye bye to them then? :) I like them..

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