Posted 4 years ago
(1202 items)
This pin is a rectangle that is roughly 1" x .5". It commemorates the 1959 exhibition made by the USSR in New York City in June and July. I found this on the sidewalk while out taking a walk one day in a modest sized city in Central Illinois perhaps 10-15 years ago. It is one of the more odd, out of place things that I have found and I have found many objects while taking walks. It is in pretty good shape, so was probably not lying there for long before I happened upon it.
Wonderful rare find, that must have been a very interesting exhibit
Thanks Jenni! I would have liked to attend!
Thanks for taking a look at my USSR exhibition pin Thomas, Cokeman1959, Kevin, MALKEY, Jemmi, fortapache, Watchsearcher and dlpetersen!
Thanks valentino97 and blunderbuss2!
Thanks Vynil33rpm!