Posted 5 years ago
(75 items)
Trying to figure out age and maker. The feet are bakelite and the metal frame is riveted. There is a faint green lattice painted on board and faded letters. All i can make out is a possible letter G. Thanks for any help.
I think that will be an antique in another 20 or 25 years. I believe it was made after WWII.
Thanks, fhrjr2! Yeah i was starting about 80 yrs old as well due to rivets and bakelite. Sooner or later one should show up somewhere with the paint not faded and a history. Thanks for the effort!
okeeffe you may find that to be a challenge. Let me give you an example of what I mean from experience growing up. Back in the day we had what were known as 5 & 10 cent stores. You could buy anything from penny candy to linen to hardware there. They would buy this type ironing board which was a bare wood top. Once unpacked they would stencil their store name on the top. Our store was called Garrows 5 & 10. That is one of many that could account for a letter G on a board. Our little store was in Manchester, Vermont and naturally a part of the towns history. So you see, identifying this one will be a mega challenge.
Thanks alot, fhrjr2!!!!!!!