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Vintage 1940s Horsman Composition Dolly Dingle Campbell Soup Kid and Grace Wiederseim Drayton Ephemera

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (33 items)

    In the business of producing sapid canned soups, Campbell, by nominating its googly-eyed mascots, Dolly Dingle and Bobby Blake, edulcorated its advertising campaigns. The chubby-cheeked characters adjured parents to revictual their cupboards with Campbell's colourblocked cans, simultaneously imbuing the product with familial functionality, electing its soups as scrumptious, healthful alternatives to homecooked meals.

    My Horsman Dolly Dingle doll, wearing her linen chef ensemble and yellow milkmaid badge, poses with a die-cut Campbell's recipe booklet. In the final photo, multifarious Grace Wiederseim Drayton and Campbell collaborative paper ephemera are strewn across my hardwood floor.

    And, vicariously through the memory of Red Foxx (Fred Sanford), I shall in parting say, "'Mmm, mmm, good! Mmm, mmm, good! Campbell's soup is mmm, mmm, good!'"

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      Apart from your wonderful dolls I am entertained, of course, by your descriptive text.
    2. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Adorable vintage Dolly Dingle doll & great classic Campbell's soup info, fabulous post!
    3. MarmorealMaiden MarmorealMaiden, 5 years ago
      Thank you, Racer4Four and Newfld!
    4. jscott0363 jscott0363, 4 years ago
      Your Dolly Dingle is wonderful! I have a few of the Grace Drayton design doorstops and Dolly Dingle happens to be one of them.
    5. MarmorealMaiden MarmorealMaiden, 4 years ago
      Thank you, J.Scott! She has neither crazing nor wear throughout her body, and I have yet to locate another unrestored piece as exceptional as she.

      Yes, I saw your lovely Hubley cold-painted doorstops; your Little Red Riding Hood piece is absolutely darling! Recently, I attended an estate sale with a panoply of antique cast-iron doorstops and bookends--several Bobby Blake and Dolly Dingle pieces were present--but everything was, unfortunately, exorbitantly priced.

      There is a scarce Grace Wiederseim-Drayton piece on eBay, which other persons have, thankfully, yet to locate. I have been, for over one year's time, patiently awaiting its price reduction! If the delitescent piece were in better condition, I would have earlier purchased it.
    6. jscott0363 jscott0363, 4 years ago
      Your Dolly Dingle is spectacular! It's been my experience that anything designed by Grace Drayton goes for outrageous prices. I got lucky when I found my Dolly Dingle, Bobby Blake and Red Riding Hood. But, I've seen some go for well over $1000.
    7. MarmorealMaiden MarmorealMaiden, 4 years ago
      For fifty dollars, I do believe, I purchased my Dolly Dingle doll. Yes, some Grace Drayton pieces are outrageously expensive. I had the chance to, on eBay, purchase the scarce Schafer and Vater collaborative all-bisque googly September Morn statuette, but I forgot to place a bid! The piece, which was recently relisted by the buyer for nearly one thousand dollars, had originally sold for only sixty dollars! There is no use in my puling, for I may, hopefully, find another.
    8. jscott0363 jscott0363, 4 years ago
      You really got a bargain on this!! I would have expected a much higher price. She's wonderful!!

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