Posted 5 years ago
(284 items)
I have had this vintage necklace for quite some time. I needs some mending. I love the art deco style. Today I found out it glows in the dark. Who can tell me more about this glass? What is the term of it in English?
Thanjs for info from Valentino. Now I know it is uranium glass. I hope some collector of uranium glass can tell us more, is it same to ware and handle? Thank you.
Thanks Valentino! And I don't know what to do now?! It doesnt sound like something one would want to wear? ......
Oh ok Val: ) :)
Found this on CW about uranium
Yes that is a point worth thinking about :)
I'm not a big uranium glass collector Elisabethan but the reason I find uranium glass cool is really the novelty of it, and the way the item has a kind of secret personality that only shows up under black light.
It's really no more dangerous than lead crystal because the radiation is so low and would require ingestion as fine particles. Just don't grind up and swallow the beads!
Ha ha race4four:) ! I will stay away from eating the beads. Thanks for the nice comment. Feel calmer now.
Thank you very much Ms.ChrystalShip, love that coment of yours :) Have a nice weekend
These are cool I bet this necklace would of been very popular in the 60s I can almost picture a hippie chick dancing around under a black light anybody remember black light parties I sorta do lol
Thanks! I remeber Olecody:) not the 60's but the black light parties :)