Posted 4 years ago
(1205 items)
This small water pot is not marked but came with a tomobako. The pot is a suiteki, or water dropper, for use in calligraphy. Kyukodo is a Japanese retail store that specializes in calligraphy supplies. Guessing it is of fairly recent manufacture and was never very valuable. There is large crack in this pot but it was only $6 so I thought I would buy it and perhaps try to repair it as an experiment with kintsugi. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer and precious metal dust. There are commercially available kits for doing this type of repair, though other materials are substituted for precious metals. Has anyone on CW tried doing this? Any tips or cautions?
It's a pretty piece.
I have never tried kintsugi but love the look and idea of it.
Will love to see your results!
Thanks, Lisa. I think that I will have to widen the crack before filling it, but am still researching this process.
Thanks for loving my little pot Lisa, Thomas, glassiegirl, fortapache, Watchsearcher and Jenni.
Thanks Karen! Whatever the result, I will update this post to show it. Luckily, I have a banged up Hagi Ware cup to practice on.
Thanks Hoot60 for taking a look at my little cracked pot.
Thanks for taking a look Blammoammo!
Thanks PhilDMorris, for loving my little pot. So weird, I watched a teen romance movie last night and the male lead, a high schooler, did Kintsugi as a hobby.
A pretty well done little film.