Posted 5 years ago
(284 items)
All but one of these necklaces are bakelite. I love them. Vintage gems. You can wear bakelite at all times but seen together like this makes me think of autumn. Looking through my warderobe I realize I need to buy clothes to match them, not the other way around :) And I obviously need more green!
Thanks Mary! It is the orange one. And yes the beautiful necklace you made for me is there. And now I realize I have the red necklace you made and that was in my jewelry box so I forgot to put it in the Photo. All the other necklaces was in a basket. I used to doubt the yellow large necklace but after you and others thought it to be bakelite I think it is so, but polished and restrung.
I have this idea that mostly the autumn colors sold up here in the north. It is very rare to see other colors of bakelite here. I have this idea that they sold as faux amber because it was saught after here but not everyone could afford it. I really can not see why I would not see more green etc necklaces if it was sold here in the same amount? It is mostly necklaces I see and now and then a bangle and clip ons. I never ever see fun and playful bakelite brooches here. I don't think there has been any research into bakelite jewelry export to Europe? Some bakelite jewelry was ofcourse also made in Europe but I think most of it came from the US. Any ideas on this Mary?
Thanks friend :) if you look at the yellow necklaces down to the left, it is the one with round beads that looks more orange. But I still like it :)
Thanks for your thoughts Mary. Interering also about the whimsical stuff :)
Nice beads I have what will seem to you like a stupid question I know squat about beads I inherited thousands of them from my mom she loved her beads some of the rock ones I know but plastic, bakelite how do you know the difference and does color matter some look like yours
Olecody there are no stupid questions, we learn from each other. Lucky you to inherit beads like that. Bakelite jewelry is very collectible and saught after. There are quite a lot of information on line to start with and later you can look into referece books on the subject. I enclose a link to start with, there are so many. Search "bakelite jewelry" or "identifye bakelite jewelry". Bakelite has a certain smell to them if you rub it against your finger, bakelite is quite heavy compared to other plastic materials, and can be polished to a fantastic shine. It does'nt have seams. Bakelite ages so it turns a bit yellow on the surface. A blue bakelite bangle can therefore appear green. The best way to test for bakelite is to use schimichromepolish paste on a small part of your piece. If bakelite you should see a distinct yellowish color being rubbed onto the cloth you use when rubbing it in. If you dont see that yellow it is probably nut bakelite. Black and white bakelite might not show yellow if tester that way. Bakelite comes in many different colors. You should show some of your bakelite here. I have quite a lot of bakelite here that you can look at and you are welcome to follow me, but the Queen of bakelite is my friend Valentino, you should look into her collection as well. I follow her so look in my list of People I follow and you will be able to find her there and learn even more. She has all kinds of bakelite, carved and such. Also look at the websight of Morningglory Antiques were you can see their variety of bakelite for sale and you can compare their pieces to yours. Whit training you will be able to often see what is bakelite and what probably is'nt. Good luck!
Thank you Elizabethan for all the info I will be getting them out and checking them now that I no what to look for you explained it quite well and thanks for the site
You are most welcome olecody. There is both opac bakelite as well as translucent. The opac might be easier to start with. Translucent bakelite is often called Catalin.
Olecody, I just realized I wrote the wrong word when I said Catalin. I ment to write Prystal for translucent bakelite. Catalin is just a nother brandname for bakelite, from what I have been able to understand. Sorry for mixing upp the words :)
Thanks again Elisabethan I have a lot to learn think I will post some pictures
I look forward to your posts Olecody :)
Colours are super, love this collection !~
PhilDMorris thank you! I love the autumn colors. There is a piece for every occasion:)
Still want more green.... :)
Really love the shades of colors
Bake Right , Bakelite!
So cooL, I don’t need Shades
Thank you Ms.Chrystalship. We all learn together. There are so meny parts or fields of collecting jewelry -century, material, style etc and if you leave your (meaning all of us) of your own country there really are so much to learn. So there really can never be any stupid questions or just one person knowing everything. We all start at different points of collecting and we meet to share information. That is a wonderful thing.
Ha ha Vinyl33rpm that is fun! But the last part I din not get about not needing Shades? Either I am to tired so I can not grasp it or it is because this is not my language :) :)
I’m sorry about my unusual comment
I certainly didn’t mean anything by it
but what I did mean
is that wearing these make you look so cool
The bright sun can get to you
And the twist with the shades of color
and shades are called sunglasses
Oic (O Eye See:~)
sorry I type Dyslexic
Vinyl don't be sorry, I loved it at the same time as it puzzled me a bit - perfect :)