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Ansonia's "Poetry" Figural Mantel Clock

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (15 items)

    Hello Fellow Collectors.

    We would like to share with you one of our Ansonia Figural Clocks named "Poetry".

    It is from circa 1894 and has an original 8-day Time and Strike Ansonia Movement with an embossed back plate and open escapement.

    The Porcelain Enamel dial is in excellent condition with no damage.

    At some point in its history it was artistically refinished in a simulated bronze color with gold accents. The "floor" that the woman reading poetry is standing on has little flaws in the black enamel finish that actually give it a texture and appearance of some type of stone or tiled flooring. The entire clock is being protected by several coats of a quality carnuba wax and there is no evidence of rust or corrosion on the base with the exception of a little green "patina" on some brass parts of the dial, which can be seen in the photo above.

    Happy collecting and thank you for stopping by.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Fabulous antique Ansonia clock, the reflective pose of the lady reading poetry as well as the detail in the gold accents are just gorgeous, really love it
    2. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thank you FortApache, Newfld & Manikin for your "Love its" and for you kind remarks. Glad that you enjoyed our post. :)
    3. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thank you Ben
    4. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thank you vetraio50 for your Love it click!
    5. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thank you Cokeman1959. Much appreciated.
    6. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thank you kwqd & officialfuel for your "Love its".
    7. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thank you farmlady & blunderbuss2.
    8. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thank you scottvez and AntiqueToys for stopping by and for your "Love it" clicks.
    9. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thank you inky!
    10. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      You're very kind Russ. Thanks for stopping by and for the "Love it" clicks!
    11. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Hi Scottvez. It's good to see you. Thank you for stopping by and for your "Love it"!
    12. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thank you MarmorealMaiden! Very much appreciated.
    13. scottvez scottvez, 4 years ago
      Good to see you on here bruce-- seems you have been busy helping/ posting lately!

      Take care and stay safe.

    14. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Hi Scott,
      Thank you for your kind words. You've been busy here sharing and helping folks longer and more consistently than I have. It's always good to see you around.

      Happy holidays to you and yours and stay safe as well. I've got a feeling that the Vaccines will be on the black market before they get to us. :(

      Best regards,


      Cokeman1959, thank you for stopping by and for the "Love it " click. Also always a pleasure to see you around.

    15. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thanks a bunch Nathan. Really great to see you again!
    16. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thank you Gage. Much appreciated.
    17. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      MarmorealMaiden, thank you!
    18. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thanks Kerry! :)
    19. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Russ, always great to see you stop by. I really enjoy your posts in clocks too! Thank you!
      Vintagelamp, thank you for stopping by and for your "Love it" click of approval as well. I very much enjoy your many contributions to the website!
    20. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Hi Jim,
      Thanks for stopping by and for your "Love it" click of approval. Glad that you like Poetry. Someone did a nice job of refinishing her long before we got her. We hope to pass her on in good condition when the time is right.
    21. Bruce99 Bruce99, 4 years ago
      Thanks for all you do and share Sean. Always a pleasure to see some of your many collections.
    22. Bruce99 Bruce99, 3 years ago
      Thank you Searching1 and Mrs. Tyndall for stopping by and for your "Love it" clicks ! Glad you enjoyed our clock.
    23. Bruce99 Bruce99, 3 years ago
      Thanks vcal!

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