Posted 5 years ago
(221 items)
A farmer close by hit upon this stone in his field. He placed it close to the road, hoping that someone would relieve him of it. That someone turned out to be me. I could use it as a step stone in my garden. It has en estimated weight of about 30 kg, but I managed to get it home in my wheelbarrow. Visitors believe that a larger stone has been split in two by a stone mason at some time in history. But when and for which purpose ? Any ideas ?
I was pleased to see your mysterious stone because I have it’s long lost mate (or probably just some “very distant” relative).
Maybe you have given it the purpose it was meant to have. Or maybe it was to be along the edge of a beautiful koi pond.
My huge stone my be of the same type as yours but mine came to my yard by means of a tornado several years ago along with truck-loads of debris that was once a neighborhood of houses and a small church. Mine measures 32” X 17” X 4” and has squared edges making it a nice rectangle.
All it’s surfaces are flat or nearly so.
It had a uniform layer of mortar on one side so we surmised it had been attached to something at it’s previous location. Anyone who visited us for years took a look at it but their guesses were no better than ours.
We put ours to use in the same way you have: as a step for our patio entrance.
I’m looking forward to seeing what others say about your lovely stone!
Thanks Watchsearcher. No signs of mortar on my stone. People have been living in this part of the country for thousands of years. Before anyone knew anything about mortar.