Posted 4 years ago
(220 items)
Watchsearcher find pieces of metal, when she digs in her yard. I find pieces of porcelain, when I dig in mine. I haven't got the faintest idea how it ended up there. No porcelain factory there ever to my knowledge. But people have lived in my part of the country since ice age. Maybe you have an explanation ?
I must say your findings are a good bit cleaner and nicer looking than my crusty rusty iron. :-)
I especially like the pieces with the blue patterns!
Y'ALL ARE LUCKY Golgatha and Watchsearcher-- all I ever find when digging in my yard/flowerbeds are generic rocks and the occasional bits of broken window glass...and the rocks are usually *way* too close to the surface, making it that much more difficult to dig whatever little hole I wanted...? <sigh>
AnythingObscure, ever heard of Dynamite ? ...
/me <LOLOL> at Golgatha's comment! :-) :-) :-)
Yes I have, but my neighbors (not to mention numerous local civic authorities) probably wouldn't approve of that approach, especially for the simple purpose of (once in awhile) just trying to plant a flower or two somewhere... ;-) :-) :-)
About Re-In-Vintages theory: If true, why don't I find glass, metal, plastic etc. ?