Posted 14 years ago
(1 item)
I found this wooden Planters Peanut car at a yard sale last weekend. I have tried to do some research on it, but have had very little success. I have found a few on ebay, but each gives a different story as to the history. The man who sold it said it was on garage shelf for at least 15 years because he bought aquired it when his now grown son was a young boy. I liked it not necessarily because it was a Planters Peanut, but more so because it was different, caked in dust, and looked as though it could use some tender love and care. It needs some cleaning and care, but I was curious as to the history and value. Can you help?
I can tell you about these.. I sell planters peanuts.
I have 4 of these cars, 3 still in the Box. They are about 25 years old the ones I have.
They were promotional items used to give to retailers as what is called a Dealer load in.