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Non-Singer Sewing Machines409 of 454What a find! Antique Dial-N-Sewdomestic machines cleveland ohio sewing machine ?
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    DOES anyone have any idea what the name on this machine is, or what kind it is, what era? It is difficult to read. Thinking it might say Harris Family No. 24? Was there a machine by that name?

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    1. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      It appears to be a Harris family sewing machine . Funny what one can find with a little search of the internet .

      1875 Advertisement
      Joseph Harris & Co. - sewing machines produced by the Imperial Sewing Machine Co. from c1873 -1877

      Factory: Franklin Works, Park Road, Soho, Birmingham 1874, 1875. In England .
      Renamed Factory: Imperial Sewing Machine Works, Park Road, Soho, Birmingham 1876
      Retail: Oriel House, 41 Bull St, Birmingham.
      Machines Made:
      Imperial 1873
      Agenoria 1873 1875
      Challenge 1872 1875 1876
      1877 Taken over by: Royal Sewing Machine Co.

    2. Barbara, 14 years ago
      I can't read what is on the sewing machine and "assumed" it was Harris
      Can't find a picture of this machine anywhere to verify name, can you. I read that web site but did not see a picture to confirm it. Thanks
    3. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      I will look for more information when I have the time . I am curious about Joseph Harris as Harris is my grandmother's maiden name . He could be a relative . I know that my great grandfather Harris invented a broom making machine and it is in a museum in Oklahoma . Maybe he came by his inventiveness from his ancestors .
    4. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      P.S. I am sure that your sewing machine is a Harris Family machine .
    5. Barbara, 14 years ago
      Thanks Nancy... Appreciate your interest. I have been unable to find another one like it. I am thinking of selling it but don't even know if it is worth anything. So sounds like Imperial made it. It just says "foreign" on it but no country.
    6. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      This machine is likely to be a Haid and Neu, a German manufacturer, around 1930s. The style of machine is known as a transverse shuttle. W. J. Harris was founded in 1870's but continued to sell machines until the 1960's. It's not an Imperial made by Joseph Harris.
    7. backinten, 9 years ago
      It's a Harris Family 2H by Haid and Neu

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