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my American flag

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Flags25 of 108UNITED STATES of AMERICA flagsNeed help with info on this flag please help.
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Nothing particularly 'old' or 'special' in any way (I do have a little pile of those too, memorials for passed Military members of my extended family that don't get hung out in the weather) but just my own US flag hanging on the front corner of my little home here, since shortly after I bought it, because I love the crazy dysfunctional country I live in despite its flaws and my house needed to reflect that pride.

    And now I'm prolly pushing the limits of what's permissible to be shown here, for further stating that it is seen here freshly lighted and hanging "right side up" as of last evening, after the last 4yrs or so of it being displayed upside down. (maritime reference there, for flag display)

    Moderators, please feel free to remove this post if it indeed 'crosses a line' -- I fully understand. Meanwhiles, God Bless the U.S.A., and may we all anywhere in the world be able to look forward to a better future, coronavirus or not.

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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 4 years ago
      I cannot argue with your point of view bobby725 -- in fact that's one of the most important and beautiful characteristics of our 'system' such as it is -- that it allows for disagreeing perspectives for ALL our populace, and also that it allows for periodic change of 'things' for good, bad, or otherwise. Thank you most sincerely for sharing your own opinion. :-)
    2. hotairfan hotairfan, 4 years ago
    3. Hoot60, 4 years ago :(
    4. scottvez scottvez, 4 years ago
      LEAVE the political rhetoric out of here!!

      I don't come here to discuss politics-- This site is an escape from all of that.

    5. Hoot60, 4 years ago

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