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Rotary phone

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Telephones125 of 1105VINTAGE INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE SIGNTelephone Kiosk....
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1 item)

    This is a Phone that my husband and I acquired at a estate sale in Las Vegas It is a item like mini that we find a longer travels I think it’s cool because it has a vintage or antique look to it

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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 4 years ago
      The operative word there is "look" -- it is indeed made to mimic various truly antique phones, but is at best a "vintage" item most likely having been made in the 1980's, when the US Gov't decreed that individual citizens could actually own their own telephone sets. (with the breakup of the MaBell monopoly and all) There are probably labels/stamps on its underside that might help further identify it.
    2. Sunshine314, 4 years ago
      Thanks for your information very informative
    3. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 4 years ago
      :-) I've always enjoyed old (?) phone sets no matter what era they really come from, and I have more than one boxful of 'em in my own collections, including one very similar to yours Sunshine314. If you still have an actual 'landline' telephone connection (showing my own age here?) plug the sucker up and enjoy it for its vintage style...they're pretty bulletproof things, thus it prolly still 'works' just fine...?!!! :-) :-) :-)

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