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REALISTIC TRC-217 40-channel hand-held citizens band transceiver

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Recent Activity2 of 13Fanon Electronics First Edition “Complete Canadian CB Guide” 1976 1976 Tip Top CB stickers
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1778 items)

    I'm not sure exactly how old this is, probably late 1970's - early 80's, when CB radios were popular 'toys'. I'm also not sure if it actually still works...the thing takes a *whole buncha* AA batteries, and I need to go get more before I can really try..., and/or drive somewhere closer to a local interstate...? <sigh> Looks like it *should* work, anyway??

    It is a REALISTIC TRC-217 on its face, Radio Shack (its retailer) part/model# 21-1644 on the back. The whole thing is roughly 8" x 2" x 2-1/2" not counting its retractable center loaded (I think that's the right term for the black thing on it IIRC?) antenna stub which extends to a full 4'.

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