Posted 4 years ago
(1003 items)
Here's a nice promo from Penn Auto and P&C Tool Company. It is a 2.25 inch (5.5Cm) long steel screwdriver.
Though this is one is stamped for Penn Auto, from 1950 through 1970, one could send 50 cents to P&C, and receive a catalog and a promotional screwdriver (but w/o a business's name).
This promo is of high quality, giving the idea that tools by P&C were/are of similar excellent quality......
P&C Tool Co. was a subsidiary of Plomb Tool Co. Plomb became PROTO in 1948. I have a Plomb one, and my father has a PROTO one. My grandfather was a plumber in the 40's and we inherited them from him. Mine is stamped Hughes & Company, which was a local plumbing supply company in Spokane, WA. I have had mine on my keychain for about the last 32 years, and it has come in handy many times!