Posted 14 years ago
(1 item)
Purchased this clock. Had a piece of paper with it, 1863 Seth Thomas, Lyre movement. That is all we know, that perhaps it was hand carved, probably 16-22 inches tall, sets in the wood and glass case. Hunting information, have not taken it out of the case yet.
That certainly is a stunning steeple clock! It had to have been hand crafted. Manufactured clocks just don't have that level of detail. The case alone is a marvelous piece of carpenter's artistry. I can only speak to the Seth Thomas Lyre movement. It is an early, very reliable, well manufactured, upper-end time and strike movement that Seth Thomas offered in some of their larger wood case mantel clocks like the "Eclipse". It was used in their Violin Shaped clocks circa 1885 and I have also seen the movement used in some of their City clocks, like the "Omaha" which was from circa 1894 so at the very least we know that the movement is from that period of time. In addition, there may be a patent date or dates stamped on one of the movement's brass plates. Hope that helps.
Hey Sean. Did you see my entry on your Dunhill Desk Set? The Library was a dead end. This is a beautiful clock is it not?