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    Posted 15 years ago

    (4 items)

    I inherited these tools from my dad and I'm not sure he knew what they were. They are made of steel and some brass. Appear to be coated with varnish to prevent rust. Any help out there??

    Mystery Solved


    1. Ray H., 15 years ago
      I'll add my guess: old surgical instruments? It might be worth researching on the internet, but it is just an uneducated guess. Any doctors in the family tree?
    2. david2149 david2149, 15 years ago
      Thanks to Dean Ferber and his friend Tom for the solution to the mystery tools. I attach the communication.
      My friend Tom is a tool collector and member of a tool collectors club. Here is his answer. It's not what I know, its who I know that gets me answers on all sorts of questions.
      Hi Dean,

      What Dave has in the picture is an assortment of sand molder's tools for foundry work. After ramming a mold into place the pattern was withdrawn. Using these tools, the molder was able to do any necessary touchup or make any necessary repairs prior to pouring the casting. The tools are referred to as lifters, spoons, circular and flat flange, flute and slicks. Some are shown in a 1890 Rumsey & Sikemeier catalog from St. Louis, Missouri.

    3. Phylos, 14 years ago
      I believe those are sculpting tools, rasps for opening plaster molds. Some of them are modeling tools for clay. I suggest you take a look at the site for the Sculpture House in NY, or the Complete Sculptor. They have similar tools that are modern off course. Yours are antique. Your relative must've been a sculptor, or a jeweler who made his wax molds. Yes?
    4. Donny, 14 years ago
      Dont know but if its a whole set they ought to be worth some $

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