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Art Deco Bohemian Baskets?

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (98 items)

    Opal baskets with black lined ruffles. Tapered waist. Snapped pontils. Designed to be decorative in purpose. 15 cms tall and 9.5 cms across the top. Were they a version of the Czech tango series?

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    1. IronLace IronLace, 4 years ago
      Yes, definitely Czech Tango glass of the Art Deco era. The white is more unusual - these are most typically seen in orange, yellow, & red, & I've seen this shape attributed to Welz. I have one of these baskets in pink, which is also one of the rarer colours.
      Nice to have the pair!
    2. Russell117, 4 years ago
      I appreciate your astute observation, IronLace. I've had these for nearly 40 years and they were purchased at a local auction. The baskets are a simple, yet graceful design. The white contrasted against the black make them appealing. I haven't seen anything similar to them.
    3. truthordare truthordare, 4 years ago
      Very nice pair, the decor could be Kralik, but the shape is close to other baskets on this site, except for the upper rim divided in 4 lobed section.

      This is the closest one there is here, others do not have the same rim but rather a flat 2 sided shape. Thanks for posting.
    4. sklo42 sklo42, 4 years ago
      I would agree with IronLace that the shape is Welz, However white ones are rare indeed. I have a yellow one posted here with white interior, black rim, and black handle. Same dimensions too. They also come in green. Seeing white ones has made my day, thank you.
    5. truthordare truthordare, 4 years ago
      I looked at all the Czech glass baskets here and the body might be similar but the rims are different. The pink one is a good example of this, as well as the yellow etc.
      Unless you think all glass baskets of a certain type are from the same producer.
    6. truthordare truthordare, 4 years ago
      I am still thinking about this pair of very nice white baskets and wondered who was the most likely produder during interwar period to use an all white decorative glass body, my answer was the same Kralik, and also the export firm of Erphila.

      Artfoot made the connection in an old post here and I think, this is conjecture, that perhaps the Kralik white glass pieces which are often simpler in design and decor, might have been specifically for Erphila exports, with the bleu and the red pieces with another color in their glass accent applications, they also exported.

      Part of this is that you will not find these specific pieces in the Butler Brothers ads, so someone was importing them to the USA. Erphila is better know for the Czech pottery they sold, but it seems they had a short term Czech glass line as well.

      Her is the link for artfoot's post.
    7. welzebub welzebub, 4 years ago
      I am of the opinion that this is a Welz basket.

      The assertion that a white ground color points to a particular maker is not really supportable. Any guess as to the company that imported them is certainly pure conjecture. To preclude Butler Brothers based on some ads not showing the form is actually pretty absurd. I am pretty confident that Butler imported a lot of Welz production whose specific form is not shown in line art ads.

      The design of this basket, combined with the overall diminutive size points to Welz as the maker. Kralik is not really known for baskets in this small range of size.

      The green basket in the first linked image is the same basic size as the pair of white examples. This basic basket form is found with 5 different rim crimps, some more common than others. The form itself has been found in 27 different decors.

      In this linked image, the Welz basket form is found in two basic sizes of the same shape. This first image shows a few examples of Welz decors on this shape of basket with the same rim crimp.

      I have taken the liberty of adding this white basket to both of these image groups.

      This image shows the 27 decors and varying rim crimps seen so far on the shape.

      Hope this helps to clear up the confusion.

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