Posted 14 years ago
(171 items)
I am not sure if this is the original paint or not, but there is little to no rust on the item. It stands about 18 1/2 inches tall with the handle on top held in the upright position. There is nothing on the inside of the item. The lenses include two blue, one red, and one yellow one.
Any additional feedback on this item would be appreciated as well. Thank you as always for looking my friends and any assistance that you may provide. Hopefully I can return the favor at some point on one of your collectables. : )
I appreciate you stopping by and thanks for the love officialfuel! : )
A nice unusual looking lantern. I can't add any info. I am a RR fan, but it fools me...Especially the colors of the lenses. I do have a RR brakemen's lantern, but have provided it to our former CSX RR depot, now our Trail Head Depot for their display of former RR artifacts.
Thank you for the love cwork, vanskyock, packrat, stonie, and qmong. I appreciate the comment as well qmong. It is great that you were able to share something on the item. Have an awesome day everyone! : )
You have a tail end marker lamp from the New York Chicago & St. Louis Railroad better known as the Nickel Plate Road. Marker lamps were hung on the rear of cabooses on freight service and the rear of the last car on passenger service. it appears that the mounting arm at the base is missing. They are made of cast iron and clamp around the channel at the base. Replacements can be found for around fifty bucks. The black paint could be original as they used black, Pullman green and safety yellow. Nice item.
Awesome info railnsail! Thank you my friend. I appreciate you taking the time to comment and the nice words relating to the lantern. Have an awesome remainder of the week! : )
Great piece. Finding a fuel pot and burner to complete it is easy. They come up on Ebay frequently and are also sold by parts dealers. Railroad marking in the curve is very unususal and really neat stuff from Nickle Plate is hard to find.
I would like to know more about this. Could I email you about it? Thanks