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Crown Trifari Pearl Brooch Bracelet Earring Set

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Trifari Jewelry111 of 409Crown Trifari Bird of Paradise or Roadrunner BroochTrifari Philippe swirl brooch
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (26 items)

    Trifari brooch bracelet and earrings. Quality set in brushed and polished gold tone, only like Crown Trifari can do. With wavy lines, clear rounds and simulated pearls. Circa 1960s. Would you believe I purchased the earrings & bracelet to this set a year ago for 9$ ? The brooch cost 30$. Look at the escalating prices for jewelry today. It's madness. Thanks for taking a look.


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    1. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Awesome pearl vintage Trifari set, the wavy design is magnificent! Yes you got a wonderful deal as this brand is off the charts expensive today, an amazing and lovely find
    2. plein-air-painter plein-air-painter, 4 years ago
      Great finds! And lucky you to find the matching bracelet and earrings together for a great price.
    3. FreshAir FreshAir, 4 years ago
      Newfld and plein-air-painter, thank you both for the very kind compliments!!! Yes, I was fortunate to find the bracelet and earrings at such a low cost and the brooch just a bit more. I'm glad that you two like as well. :- )

      Thanks to
      for the love its
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 4 years ago
      All that glitters is gold makes me want to go out screaming with a miners gold pan on my head. Love the photos !~
    5. FreshAir FreshAir, 4 years ago
      PhilDMorris, lol! Thank you so much about the pics. You are too kind. :- )

      kwqd, thank you!!

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