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There was more to Ruckl Glass Than We Knew, by Jitka Lenickova 2012 Published Volume.

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (369 items)

    There is another Ruckl named glass house that Jitka L. discussed in her published book of 2012, this information was provided by Ales Kral, and explained by Ales as to content.


    The cover photo of the reference book is a basket which has much in common with the Romania creations of recent vintage. The owners were from a different branch of the large number of Anton Ruckl's descendants and their family. This book is not longer available.

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    I was surprised by this book because the timeline was right in the middle of the Tango Sklo Exhibits also curated by Jitka Lenickova. Where she had a 5 display grouping of Ruckl Glass by the Nibor-Skalice- Svelnicka plants. When it was the first time that Ruckl finally was recognized as part of the top Czech producers for the deco interwar glass era. There was also a poster prepared for these exhibits, the Ruckl version was highly interesting and contained several line drawing pages, some of which were in Deborah Truitt's possession.

    Images: book cover, Ruckl Tango sklo poster, Romania basket sold example

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 4 years ago
      You can find a nice photo of Vendula Hnojska and some examples this Plsen version of Tango here :
    2. truthordare truthordare, 4 years ago
      Thank you for the loves, this post emphasizes that we will continually have new information as the years go by. We must be flexible and accept that fact with good grace if we can.

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