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Buffet Crampon Paris Trumpet

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Trumpets26 of 27Antoine Courtois Cornet 19th Centurygetzen cornet
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    I have a Vintage Buffet Crampon Paris Trumpet. I bought this item in a Antique shop in Elgin Texas and no one as of right now has any information on this Trumpet. There is a lot of he says she says stuff but there is no leads up to this point of the history of this horn. My guess it was made in the 1950'and that's about it.

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      Missing center valve and mouthpiece other than that it looks nice.....
    2. Kevin Andrews, 14 years ago
      The trumpet is a buffet crampon trumpet. However, Buffet crampon of Paris would farm out the brass to a German company. It is a true crampon trumpet. This is a great trumpet and well worth getting fixed. It should play great with a deep rich sound and well worth to get fixed

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