Posted 4 years ago
(1198 items)
This ZBS labeled vase is 7" high x 4.5" in diameter and weighs 2.4 lbs. I have never seen a ZBS vase like this before, however those more knowledgeable of Bohemian glass may not find it unusual. The colors are odd, there is an applied ribbon around the neck and the shape is not typical. What looks like voids in the spatter is, I think, bits of the brown spots from the bottom. I could not resist it, though, as I really like the oddness of it and the colors. The bottom does not look right to me, either, apparently mold blown? It is a very complex piece with at least four layers, not counting the applied ribbon. It is one spatter layer on top of another spatter layer with a clear layer separating them.
I was pretty convinced that this vase was not ZBS, based on how different it is from typical glass that I have seen, but I posted images to and someone found another labeled vase in similar style on picclick from an old ebay listing. I have included the picclick link at bottom of this post and squeezed a small image of the other vase into my second image. Unfortunately, only one image from that auction survives and the seller, when I contacted them, said they no longer have any of the images but gave me permission to used the remaining image. So now we have two examples of this vase, but there was definitely some artistic license exercised in the execution of the two examples. The ribbon on the second vase, once bright silver, was apparently so infused with silver that it blackened over time.
"The Zelezny Brod glassworks, also known as Železnobrodské Sklo (ZBS), was created in 1948 as a result of nationalization. At this time it was made up of nine glass factories in the town of Zelezny Brod, Czechoslovakia. ZBS is probably best known for it's popular free-formed organic vases and bowls, designed by Miloslav Klinger during the 1950's/60's."
I also find the sticker on the vase a bit confusing. My research says that the Czech Republic was founded in 1993 with the dissolution of Czechoslovakia which seems to conflict with Zelezny Brod (ZBS) which was an entity comprised of nine glass factories in Communist Czechoslovakia. Post 1993, was there a company, or group of companies, which used a label similar to the one on my vase? Did ZBS continue as before? This label was used on glass made post-1993.
I am calling this "Mystery Solved" though I still don't know factory/artist made this vase or who the designer was. I will update this post with any new information and welcome any input.
Thanks, Gillian! That link is already in my post, but it is good to have it in the comments, too!
Thanks Vynil33rpm!
Gorgeous vase Kevin, beautiful pastel spatter. I believe the ZBS Czech Republic label is from the 90s, prior to that their label said ZBS Bohemia
I’d put it up in one of the FB groups. Sklo Czech Glass perhaps. Stickers move. That one look rather new.
Thanks for the information, Jenni!
Thanks, Kevin. One of the first thoughts that I had about this was to wonder if the sticker was original to this vase. Unfotunately, I don't use FaceBook...
Everything about this vase is a bit off, a bit odd..
Thanks for taking a look at my ZBS (?) spatter vase Alfie21, mikelv85, aura, Karen, BHIFOS, fortapache, Jenni, PhilDMorris and Kevin!
Thanks Thomas!
Thanks blunderbuss2!
This vase was made by Zelezny Brod Sklo (ZBS). The post has been updated to reflect recent discoveries. I am still researching this and similar vases and will post any updates to the body of the post. I am pleasantly surprised..
Thanks jscott0363!
The link in the article doesn't seem to work.
Hi Gillian, you will need to copy and paste it into your browser.
Updated images...
Thank you Vynil33rpm!
Thanks for taking a look at my Zelezny Brod Sklo vase Mrstyndall!
Thanks for your comments, Eileen! I was on the fence about adding this to my collection as it is an oddball for ZBS glass, but I am glad that I did it, now!