Posted 4 years ago
(1778 items)
Now this is sometimes another way I inherit yet one more pile of old LP's -- stuffed into milk crates they really don't quite fit in, with the requisite cover jacket abuse if they have them, some no doubt warped or damaged beyond a point of no return, with a handful of 45's and an errant book or VHS tape stuck in there too, ALL dirty and having suffered from wholesale poor storage as a group. <sigh> PLEASE folks, DON'T store your crates of old records in barely finished basements??!!!!!
OH, well -- such as it is, I still glom onto them when I get the chance no matter all that... <lol>
These came from cleanout house #1 last summer, and had to be kinda 'quarantined' in the carport for awhile (while trying to avoid further damage) to both let the crates naturally 'dehumidify' somewhat, and to allow any 'creepy crawly critters' to disperse themselves back into their more natural environment. ;-) This collection seems to be largely R&B music, I haven't really ever sorted through them either but there's hopefully some good stuff still in there...??
Love the LPs but hate the damage