Posted 4 years ago
(1 item)
Hello! I have a stuffed dog I named Fido. I have had him forever, and never remember him not being in my life. Probably picked him up in the late 70’s or early 80’s. He is now very fragile and nat very good looking. He has a faded rag that says made in China, I think and a chives? Symbol on his tag. Has anyone ever seen one like this? He is also filled with plastic beads. Thanks for any info anyone may have!
He looks like a wore out "Pound Puppy " They came out in 70s and are now being reproduced .
He does resemble a vintage pound puppy, but I just don’t think he is, but I could be wrong. He had cute boy g freckles that were dimply and some whiskers from what i remember. He has metal eyes and his nose is a ball of cotton like material. He doesn’t have a plastic nose. I googled his image and nothing similar to him came up. I appreciate the comment and you could be right ????. He definitely was never a plush animal. Thank you for your input.
Also, I am very sorry for the weird words that my auto correct put in. I swear I am more literate that that lol. It is supposed to say it has a possible Chinese symbol on its tag. Sorry ????!