Posted 4 years ago
(84 items)
Found this small and seemingly old olla form basket at a local estate sale. Based on my limited knowledge in this area I believe it might be Native American but would welcome confirmation (or refutation). It measures about 5.5" across. The symbols appear to be a swastika and an arrow?
Yes, it does appear to be a Native American Indian basket. It is not the type of basket I usually specialize in, however. I can eliminate many tribes, but can't tell you the specific tribe it is from, based solely on the photos.
The combination of material used, type of construction (coiled, twined, plaited), design patterns, and specific stitching techniques will eventually lead to where it was made, but some of that is difficult to determine from a photo.
My first thought is a southern California tribe, based on the fact that it is coiled, the shape itself, the design pattern showing on the inside as well as the outside, and the rather distinctive alternating light and dark stitches on the rim.
Perhaps it's one of the so-called "Mission" baskets. The fact that the craftsmanship is not perfect (especially when it comes to uniformity and the design patterns) also possibly points to a beginning basket maker, or someone learning from a mission school. Knowing the material it is made from would be key, but that takes experience and usually hands-on examination. But yes, it would be Native American.