Posted 4 years ago
(1 item)
Hello! This is my kewpie doll, i bought him for a dollar ninety nine, and I honestly want to find out if he is an original. I love him sm, and i named him alberto, description. My only ask is somebody can tell me how old he is.
• Seems to be a hollow wood doll
• Eyes are looking away
• Simple but cute design.
Your doll is made of composition ( it is sort of a sawdust and glue mixture) Dates 1920-40s. It is not a Kewpie doll. Not sue how tall but appears small and I call them pocket dolls that girls could carry easily when they traveled ect . They did give them as carnival prizes also . Very cute and USA made . Many companies made dolls like her . You could have added more photos including any marking on back . I also believe Alberto is Alberta :-) a girl
Also called a composition frozen charlotte doll. Common doll to find because they were affordable . Here is one similar .
@Manikin thank you!! feel kinda bad for calling her alberto now, but thank you for the insight! <3