Posted 4 years ago
(186 items)
This is my newest purchase -blue and red/oxblood Welz's basket .On first sight it looks the same as other Welz's baskets of the type but there are some differences in details like ribbed body crowned with a row of small balls.
Really interesting shape!
The pattern of small bumps plus ribbing reminds me of this vase, which I've never been able to identify -
I also have another Peloton vase with the same moulded form, with a silverplated stand -
Perhaps related to your charming & intriguing basket? An interesting point to ponder...
adore this one
Marin,they are similar indeed.I have had lately textile associations about Welz baskets.Don't you think that all those structural decorations relate to old fashioned dresses with their ruffles,pleats,puff sleeves, turnings,frills etc.?
Of course,what I wrote wouldn't be helpful with your vases...
Thank you,Sylvia ,for appreciating :)
I think your observations about the designs in this type of glass echoing those of the fashions of the same era are spot makes sense that the popular design elements of a period would cross over different disciplines. The late 19th - very early century certainly favoured fanciful & elaborate decoration in both clothing & objects for the home.