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Murano Grape Vine Lamp

In Art Glass > Murano and Italian Art Glass > Show & Tell.
rancherswife's loves1547 of 1910Portugese 833 Silver Hallmarked Mesh Bag Belonged To Ema Cordiglia Lavalle MonteroVaseline Glass
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (418 items)

    I brought this a few weeks ago it was in a distressed condition (still is a bit) most of the vine leaves are damaged although it came with an extra piece which matched in with a broken one (there is still a whole leaf missing but there is 4 complete) initially the lady wanted quite a lot for it describing it as Victorian but I thought that was a tad early and since then have seen them described as 1930s or Art Nouveau. The wiring was also burnt out and there was issues with rewiring it to comply with the NZ wiring rules. After it sat in the shop for a month or 2 we came an agreement and I got it for a reasonable price. I had decided I could get it looking OK if I concentrated on making one side look good and putting the worst damaged leaves to the back where they won't be seen so easily. I didn't polish the brass as I like some patina but cleaned up the glass and glued up the damaged leaf (clear 2 part epoxy). The electrical part was what got me thinking hard and I decided that the best way to fix it was to supply it with low voltage (getting an earth onto the exposed brass with a coverless glass base was not going to be easy if I used mains voltage) and found a 20W 12V power supply at the hospice shop with a long lead on both sides of the tranny for next to nothing. The next problem was I had a 2 pin lamp holder most 12V lamps are single pin, Mentioned it to a mate at work and he suggested a 6V brake/tail light.. Brilliant the 12V goes in through 1 pin and completes the circuit on the base and back through the other pin. As you can see it works!! :)
    332mm high and 200mm wide

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      A very smart way to accomplish everything you need to fix. It’s beautiful!
    2. IronLace IronLace, 4 years ago
      Well done on a innovative restoration effort - a super job!

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