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A revelation from an assortment item with several attributions, putting to rest the Butler Brothers single producer groupings

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Bohemian Art Glass304 of 6681Harrach Enamelled Glass VaseErnst Steinwald & Co. - (called Kralik "Lines & Canes")
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (369 items)

    I have long held the belief that this particular spatter glass bowl with cobalt tri pod footings was a Ruckl or Kralik product, Welz, I dont think so.

    Be posting a BB assortment this week and some Tango Sklo images from 2012 in CZ, I noticed the 2 bowls in the ad and in the Ruckl exhibit which are much alike, allowing for variations between an illustration, and a photograph taken with a flash trough a clear glass exhibit shelving stand.

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    1. welzebub welzebub, 4 years ago
      Yeah... That is what I said about this grouping 2 years ago when you said it was all Kralik. Laughable.... I also show it in my post you can see here. LOL
    2. welzebub welzebub, 4 years ago
      I would add that the idea that Butler Czech glass groupings were generally a single line of glass being represented, was actually a reference to their own catalogs, and not ads they ran elsewhere like this one.
    3. charcoal charcoal, 4 years ago
      You should also mention that the idea that Butler groupings were by one manufacturer wasn't referencing Czech glass at all. It originated from a collector of American glass.
    4. welzebub welzebub, 4 years ago
      The idea may have originated with an American glass collector Charcoal, but it turned out to be applicable to Czech glass also. It may also apply to other glass, and it may also apply to other types of product categories. The end result was that it seemed to indicate how Butler offered glass in their seasonal catalogs, not just American glass.
    5. welzebub welzebub, 4 years ago
      The following is the exact quote in Monogram 121, a monograph that was the result of a research request I made to Tom Felt reads:

      "The glassware offerings are extensive and while only rarely is a manufacturer identified, it was discovered by Bill Heacock and others that very often Butler Brothers offered assortments that were shipped in barrels from the factory of origin. Thus, if one piece in an assortment could be identified, it became possible to attribute the rest of the pieces to the same manufacturer."

      A couple of interesting observations regarding your comment Charcoal, would be that the statement in the introduction to the imported glassware Monograph 121 covering the years from 1901 - 1941 indicates that the observation was made by several collectors in addition to Heacock, and not just one American glass collector. It is also noteworthy that the comment would be made by Tom Felt in a monograph which contains NO American glass whatsoever.

      I mean seriously Charcoal, let's get all the details correct, and not just mention the single one that seems to be important to you. Sound Fair??
    6. truthordare truthordare, 4 years ago
      Thank you for the loves and comments CW members.
    7. EZa EZa, 3 years ago
      Wow! I really love these pieces. So beautiful!

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