Posted 4 years ago
(418 items)
Got this a while back thinking it might be uranium and when it arrived zapped it with the UV torch and while it wasn't there was a whole lot of stuff that did shine green, it was covered in glue!! Turns out part of the frill on the base had been reattached but whoever did it got glue everywhere. The old fellow who sold it to me was aghast, he had been an antique dealer many years ago and was now quite elderly (the eyesight wasn't the best) and was very embarrassed and refunded me but told me to keep it. I thought it was too nice to bin and a couple of weeks ago got it out and realizing that 90% of the glue didn't do anything started scrapping and constantly rinsing under a warm tap. It took quite a while and while doing it the original repair dropped off so cleaned that all up too and reattached with the minimum of epoxy glue. It now doesn't look too bad just a small part of the applied frill missing seen in photo 4. Vase is 188mm high.
Good on you for rescuing it & restoring it! What an unusual variation on a familiar Victorian style of vase with applied decoration. I have quite a few of these in various designs but have never seen one with an applied frill on the base before, or the cylindrical form above it - really different!
Thanks Marin. Good to know you haven't got 6 of them in the cupboard :)
LOL Bernard, if only!