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Saturday Evening Scout Post Boy Scout Service Stars

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Recent Activity47 of 262Saturday Evening Scout Post Traditional Boy Scout Neckerchief SlidesSaturday Evening Scout Post Purple Neckerchief
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (3481 items)

    Service pins are awarded for each year of service in the scouts. There is a different backing color for each branch of the scouts. Cub Scouts have what is called a gold backing, looks more yellow to me, and Boy Scouts have a green backing. These are not large. The backing piece is about a half inch.
    Starting off are a 4 and 5 year pin from a Scoutmaster's uniform. Adults can earn service pins too as long as they are involved with scouting.
    Next a pair of three year pins. Current rules allow a scout to wear one pin for the years spent in Cub Scouts and one for each year spent in Boy Scouts. This Scout would have 3 years in each.
    #3 is an pin taken apart. There are three pieces. Aside from the backing all parts are the same.
    Last are the 1 year pins. It used to be a plain star. At some point it was replaced with a star with the number 1 in the center. I would take a wild guess that the switch occurred in the 1970s. I shall research that further.

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    1. Daisy1000 Daisy1000, 4 years ago
      The Canadian Girl Guide pins were similar. Backings differ or were non-existent.
    2. fortapache fortapache, 4 years ago
      Thank you very much Daisy1000 for the information.

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