Posted 4 years ago
(1778 items)
This is my 'newer' one of these, being made of standard 1/8" aluminum sign stock with STOP and SLOW legends applied using reflective plastic sheeting material on either side. It is very much 'the real deal' as formerly used somewhere on an ARDOT truck, within recent decades, until it became scratched up enough or broken or otherwise 'surplus' and was discarded along with a load of other scrap signs. I, in turn, retrieved it from the scrapyard having only a small broken fragment of its original wood handle still attached.
Then I looked around in one of my corners where I keep potentially useful odd things, where I found a nice old 'vintage' wooden handle for it that'd been orphaned from its own original lawn tool, (I think, part of its original paper label survives) then it was only a matter of slotting the end of it (as the original remaining chunk had been) and adding two hex bolts.
I would imagine this is a product of the state Sign Shops (vs. a 'purchased' item) just because it seems logical. It doesn't have any visible marking to say one way or the other. The sign is 18" across, standing 66" tall.
I need one to put along the side of the downhill slope of our street, before the curve in the road, so no one drives their car into the neighbors house!