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    Posted 3 years ago

    (23 items)

    A Buckeye cast iron seat. Manufacturer in Akron Ohio. With original mounting bolt. I painted the letters so they would stand out. Thanks in advance for any reply.

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    1. hotairfan hotairfan, 3 years ago
      Great seat and knife sharpener. I would recommend that in the future, if you find other cast iron implement seats, that you do not paint the seat on the reverse side, even it is rusty, just scotch-brite the rust off and oil the backside. The reason for not painting on the backside of a cast iron seat is that collectors want a seat that is not cracked or damaged.
      By leaving the backside of the seat in it's natural state, the collector can see if the seat was repaired or altered.
      I learned this from an implement seat collector from Iowa, and this was confirmed by several seat collectors since.

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