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old (antique?) piano music rack

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Here's the other part of the old (junk) rosewood finished square grand piano that ended up falling into my world-o-stuff. (story here as shown yesterday, with the pedal part of the thing)

    This was obviously its music rack. It's a nicely made piece of wooden scrollwork -- not actual rosewood but finished (very dark!) to appear as such. Surprisingly its only damage appears to be at one end (pic 3) where there is a small brass and steel (?) hinge pin fitting attached, a little chunk of the wood is missing here in fact, which proves it isn't solid rosewood. (which would likely be too fragile a wood species to withstand being cut into that size and shape, at least in such a vulnerable function anyway?!)

    Every so often it finds itself playing 'background' for other things I take pictures of, but now it mostly just hangs around officially being "not thrown away in a dumpster". . . ? ;-) :-) :-)

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