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Chinese Typewriter Keys

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Typewriters231 of 291Underwood No. 3 (works)My underwood
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    I just got these at a flea market and am curious about the value. I don't know the language but it says China Type Writer Manufacturer on one of the inserts so we can assume. 4 boxes are primarily full and one is half full and they are like new condition roughly 7200 keys . Any Thoughts?

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    1. cokefan, 14 years ago
      I think it may be movable type for a printing press. Not sure if it would be easy changing keys on a typewriter all the time.
    2. Dirjas Dirjas, 13 years ago
      Wow!, you have got something special there. Those are for Chinese typewriters. Really big machines that use those. Look it up on google. They are worth something for sure.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Neat find-- Chinese has no alphabet, so each character represents a different word.


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