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Noymer Weather Station

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Recent Activity6 of 46Vintage West Germanary  BarometerSputnik Weather Station
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (418 items)

    Found this yesterday at a local Hospice shop (no not the expensive one if you are local). I really like old barometers and weather stations, unlike modern ones batteries are not required!! This one I think is from the 60s or 70s it is really well made the rectangular frame that holds the instruments is solid brass, the vertical part is 3 pieces the centre one chemically blackened (I don't think its paint) and they are held together with small allen keys (found that out when I undid them all when cleaning). The instrument dial bodies are steel that has been painted or washed but the ring that holds the glass on is brass too. At the bottom of the main ring is two small finger screws that allow the dials to be taken out. Took a lot of cleaning to get it looking as you see but I didn't go overboard on the brass just tried to get the really tarnished bits looking OK. It is made in France 165mm high.

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